Retinal Imaging


OcuVue™ Modular Retinal Imaging


Traditional Tabletop Retinal Imaging


Retina Technologies is pushing the frontiers of retinal photography to its limits across size, function, and cost. Traditional retinal cameras are large bulky devices placed on a tabletop, cost upwards of $15,000, and require a highly trained technician to operate. We are working with top optical engineers across the private and academic sectors to transform this traditional form factor into a substantially miniaturized version housed in the OcuVue™ Retinal Imaging Module.  Incorporation of imaging into a head mounted module creates a naturally darkened space eliminating the need for time consuming and irritating pupil dilation. Such seamless retinal imaging at a fraction of current costs will revolutionize vision care by making a retinal photo as easy to obtain as a blood pressure reading. The photos captured by our cameras feed into Retina Technologies’ machine learning algorithms, ultimately delivering powerful Clinical Decision Support to our customers.

*The OcuVue™ prototype and associated technologies are not commercially available.